Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What is Blended LMS and why is it important?
How do I save and print a file that my instructor has uploaded? I’ve posted a file, but no one can open it.
My Course Menu has gone away. How do I bring it back? Where can I receive additional help?
Why can’t I see a course that I’m enrolled in on the My Blended LMS Courses list?
Can I access Blended LMS on my mobile device?
What if certain features do not work on my browser?
Why all of the courses that I’m enrolled in aren’t listed on the My Blended LMS Courses menu?
I cannot find content within the course (assignments, tests, etc.) that I am supposed to use.
How do I see course announcements?
How do I see course Notifications or Alerts?
What do I do if I submit a test or assignment prematurely?
I am not sure that my assignment was correctly submitted, what should I do? How can I make sure that I won’t lose the answers that I’ve selected on a test if I am on an unreliable network?
How do I view my grade?
How do I view results from an assignment or test?
How can I send a message to my instructor? Will they receive this message on their Moodle link/email?
How can I send a message to the other students in the course? How do I know if I’ve received any messages in a course?
How do I retrieve a Discussion Board post that I saved as a draft?
How can I delete a Discussion Board post?
1.0 General Questions
1.1 What is Blended LMS and why is it important?
Blended LMS is an online content management system that instructors at RIVIERA UNIVERSITY University use to manage the content available to students online. Here, your instructors may post lecture notes, assignments, quizzes, their syllabi and more. You can also message your instructor, as well as the other students in the course. Thus, it is important to become familiar with Blended LMS to guarantee your academic success.
1.2 How do I save and print a file that my instructor has uploaded?
Click the link to the file. Here, you may see “Click here to download the file if it does not open.” You can click that phrase and download the file to your computer. Alternatively, you may see a new tab open when you click the file name. There may be an option here to save, but if there is not, go back to the last screen and follow instructions below.
If that option is not available to you: right-click the link to the file (the file name, with extension shown). Click “Save link as…” and save it to wherever you choose.
To Print this file, open it up in the proper editor (.doc files open in Word, etc.). From here, use the file menu to print this file.
I posted a file, but no one is able to open it. Make sure that you’ve submitted your file with proper extension (Myfile.doc, Myfile.txt, Myfile.pdf, etc.). Also make sure that the file name only contains standard letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores. Special characters may make the file not viewable to others.
My Course Menu has gone away. How do I bring it back?
You can return the Course Menu by moving your mouse to the far left of your course’s page. A grey bar will show when you are hovering over the correct area. Click the bar to bring back your Course Menu.
Where can I receive additional help?
You can locate additional help on the Blended LMS resource page for students, located at http://www.riviera.edu.my/lms
2.0 Access
2.1 Why can’t I see a course that I’m enrolled in on the My Blended LMS Courses
Enrolments into classes are not done automatically. If you have just added into this class, instructors have to manually grant you access to the course via self-service. Let your instructor know if you cannot see the course via Moodle through email or in person, so that they can correct the issue.
2.2 Can I access Blended LMS on my mobile device?
You can access it on your device’s browser by going to Blended LMS’s Website
(http://www.riviera.edu.my/lms) or you can download the Official Moodle Mobile Application on your mobile device. However, some of the features may not be available on mobile devices.
2.3 What if certain features do not work on my browser?
If a feature is not working on Blended LMS it may be due to a browser that is out of date. You can see what browsers are compatible with Blended LMS with the following link: http://kb.Moodle.com/pages/viewpage.action xxx
If you find that your browser is not listed, it is recommended that you update your browser or install one of the listed browsers.
2.4 I cannot find content within the course (assignments, tests, etc.) that I am supposed to use.
If you’re unable to find content in the area that you think it should be in, contact your instructor. They may have placed it in a different folder, or may not have made it available to students.
2.5 How do I see course Announcements?
You can access course announcements from the Global Navigation menu. Open the
Global Navigation menu (top right where your name displays). Then, select the Updates icon. You can now choose to view announcements from all of your courses or by specific course.
2.6 How do I see course Notifications or Alerts?
Notifications or Alerts can be reached from the home page of Blended LMS (before accessing a specific course). If accessing this feature for the first time, while in the home page of Blended LMS you will have to click Add Module in the top left hand corner of the page. Once there, use the search bar to find the Alerts module and click Add; this will add the module to the home screen of Blended LMS and thus allow you to access the feature.
3.0 Assignments/Tests
3.1 Why can't I open my assignment?
Contact the computing help desk at xxx. They can help you troubleshoot and download any application you might need. If you are not sure how to contact the help desk, look for the programme office on your faculty’s website. Check to make sure you are using a supported internet browser and operating system for the version of Moodle that RIVIERA UNIVERSITY University is using.
3.2 Why can't I find my assignment?
Your instructor controls the date when assignments become available. You might have to meet other criteria that controls assignment availability. For example, you might have to mark a lecture as reviewed before you can access an assignment. Contact your instructor for more information.
3.3 How do I check to be sure my assignment was submitted?
After submitting an assignment, you can check to make sure it was uploaded and saved properly. Click the name of the assignment as if you were going to submit it again. Previous submission attempts are listed on the Review Submission History page. If you have questions about your attempts or the assignment, contact your instructor for assistance.
3.4 My instructor did not receive my assignment. What do I do?
You shall discuss this issue with your instructor.
3.5 How do I edit or resubmit an assignment?
Editing an assignment requires you to resubmit the assignment. Not all assignments can be resubmitted. If your instructor has not allowed you to submit an assignment more than once and you made a mistake, you shall contact your instructor to ask for the opportunity to resubmit the assignment.
If your instructor allows you to submit an assignment more than once, a Start New function appears on the Review Submission History page. Access this page by clicking the assignment link in your course.
3.6 How do I know whether my assignment has been graded?
The My Grades tool displays all your grades. My Grades is often located on the course menu. The course menu appears on the left side of the course window. If My Grades is not on the course menu, click Tools and select My Grades. If your assignment has been submitted, but not graded, you will see an exclamation mark next to the assignment's title. To learn more, see My Grades.
If your assignment has been submitted and graded, the grade appears in the assignment's row. To view more detail, click the assignment's title to access the Review Submission History page.
3.7 Is a group assignment the same as a regular assignment?
Access group assignments from your groups page or in a content area. You can do all of the same things with a group assignment as with a regular assignment. One member submits the group assignment for the entire group. The grade you receive is the same for all members of the group.
3.8 What do I do if I submit a test or assignment prematurely?
Speak or email your instructor in this case. They will be able to work with you to get your problem corrected.
4.0 Messaging/Discussion
4.1 How can I send a message to my instructor? Will they receive this message on their e-mail?
You can send a message to your instructor by clicking the Tools button on the navigation column, located on the left-hand side of the page. From there, you can select the Messages tool from the list of tools presented. Click the Create Message button and select your instructor as a recipient (along with anyone else you’d like). Compose your message and send.
Your instructor will not receive this message on their xxx Link email address. If you wish to contact them via xxx Link email, select the Send Email tool from the tool list. Select All Instructor users. Compose your message and send.
4.2 How can I send a message to the other students in the course?
You can send a message to the other students in the course by clicking the Tools button on the navigation column, located on the left-hand side of the page. From there, you can select the Messages tool from the list of tools presented. Click the Create Message button and select anyone you’d like to send a message to. Compose your message and send.
The recipients will not receive this message on their Moodle Link email address. If you wish to contact them via Moodle Link email, select the Send Email tool from the tool list. Here you will have the option of sending the email to any member of the course. Compose your message and send.
There is also a feature in Blended LMS that allows you to send quick messages to other students. Open the Global Navigation menu. Next, click the Messages icon and select Compose. Begin typing the name of a recipient from your network or click Browse to add a recipient outside of your network. Compose your message and click Send Message.
4.3 How do I know if I’ve received any messages in a course?
If there are any unread messages in your inbox, the My Messages module (located on your My Blended LMS page) will show the course(s) that have unread messages.
4.3 How do I retrieve a Discussion Board post that I saved as a draft?
Navigate to the Discussion Board that the draft is saved in. In the top-right corner of the Discussion Board window, click the Tree View option. You should now see the post that you’ve saved as a draft (which will have your thread title and “(draft)” next to it).
To Submit this draft, click the title of the message. In the preview box, located at the
bottom of the page that opens when you click the title, click the Edit button. From here, you can further edit your post and submit it.
4.4 How can I delete a Discussion Board post?
If your instructor has enabled you to remove posts: Navigate to the Discussion Board that your post is located in. Click the title of the post. In the message box, located at the bottom of the page that opens when you click the title, click the Delete button.
If your instructor has not enabled you to remove posts: Contact the instructor, if the post absolutely needs to be removed.
4.5 How do I access the Collaborate feature?
Once you are in the home page of the class you want to access Collaborate for, find the tools option in the Course Menu options and follow that link. This should have taken you to the Tools page. Now find the Collaboration link and click it. You may have to scroll down. This should have taken you to the Collaboration Sessions page which features the available Sessions that your instructor has created. Collaborate allows you to communicate to instructors or students via a session which simulates a
“chat room”.