Journal of Insurance and Financial Management
The Journal of Insurance and Financial Management publishes original papers, review papers, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and
book reviews.
The Journal of Insurance and Financial Management aims to publish work in the theory or practice that helps managers in various industries in the fields of Insurance, Banking and Finance, Financial Management, Islamic Banking and Finance, Risk Management, Economic, International Trade, Accounting, Business and Management.
The intent of the editors is to consolidate Journal of Insurance and Financial Management as the premier vehicle for publishing valuable empirical and theoretical studies.
The Journal of Insurance and Financial Management prefers studies that take global and regional perspectives and critically assess various policies in the field of insurance, finance, and financial management. We welcome authors to significantly provide global and regional implications, and have high relevance and impact in a wide range of topics related to the scope of journal.
To avoid unnecessary delays, a paper may be returned to the author before full review if the editors determine that it is not suitable for the journal.
This decision is made in the interest of the author to avoid loss of valuable time.
The Publication Frequency of Journal of Insurance and Financial Management is 2 issues per year. All finalized manuscripts are immediately available in advance.
Hoda Tabaraee
Managing Editor
111 Bannatyne Dr, North York Ontario, Canada M2L 2P5
Journal of Insurance and Financial Management (ISSN: 2371-2112)